Monday morning meanderings. Vol.11 (Sunday night)

September 9, 2007 at 2:22 pm 2 comments

Sayre, OK

Tomorrow bright and early I am leaving with the pastors of Trinity Fellowship and some other men to go to Okeechobee, Florida.  I will be participating with about 30 others in several days, as I understand it, of conversation about the Kingdom.  I was invited rather late in the game to attend this event so I don’t know as much about it as I might otherwise.  So I am excited about going and expect I will learn a lot.  Here is a link to the place we are going (Dunklin Memorial Camp).

So, I am writing Monday’s meanderings tonight.  Kasey, I am sorry that throws you off. 

Item one.  I have been missing Washington and friends and of course Brad, Summer and Canyon but yesterday I was able to watch the Husky game on FSN.  Fortunately with a satellite dish you can get almost anything.  It was fun to watch them win and knowing Brad was in the stands made it more fun.  I think these first two games have been more exciting than all the games last year put together.

Item two.  Pastor Andy Taylor, our pastor here in Sayre, spoke this morning on the Holy Spirit.  With all the controversy that surrounds the gifts of the Spirit, especially the manifestation gifts, it is so good to hear someone talk about it in such clear ways that are not rooted in any system pro or con.  His main point was this: The gift is the Holy Spirit and the gifts are the way the Holy Spirit manifests Himself in your life.  The gifts are the way the Spirit gets out of you and into the world to produce the power to change the world.  If those gifts are no longer available how will this task be accomplished?  If we are to desire Spiritual Gifts, wouldn’t you think they would be readily available? (1Corinthians 14;1/1Corinthians 12:11 Look them up, isn’t that what it says?) I have so much to learn and this will be a good place to learn it.

Item three.  Rain, rain, rain.  If we thought it rained at home, that is nothing compared to what it is doing here.  I think they have had about 7 inches of rain since we arrived last Thursday. We had a brief respite yesterday afternoon but it started in again this morning and now everything is a soupy red mess again.  The dirt is a deep red color and when the water hits it, in becomes a red dye.  With a puppy to housebreak we are not as excited about the rain as the natives are.  Rain is usually pretty scarce here so they are really enjoying it but we are ready to have the humidity go down about 80%!

Item four. The prayer for the week: Grant me, O Lord, to trust in you with all my heart; for, as you always resist the proud who confide in their own strength, so you never forsake those who make their boast of your mercy: through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.  (The Divine Hours)

Item five. A Lee Akin Update.  I get more hits to this site looking for information on Lee Akin than any other single source of visits to the Juniper Tree.  Lee is the professional bull rider who had a traumatic head injury from a wreck with a bull six months ago.  Lee and Mary are part of the Trinity family so I was able to talk with them this morning in church.  Lee is a walking miracle.  Brain injuries, Mary told us, do not heal quickly and Lee’s 6 month process is more where someone would be after a couple of years of recovery.  Lee struggles with getting his thoughts out in words but he is doing so well and except for a few added pounds, looks like he did the first time I met him at a PBR event in Sacramento.  I was really impressed with Mary’s confidence in the Father and her absolute conviction that Lee will return to complete health.  Keep praying.  Everyone who knows this situation from doctors to family to friends are convinced his recovery is a God thing.  Mary told me to make sure I told all of you who read this how much they appreciate your prayers and support.

Next post will be from Okeechobee.  Who would have thought?

Entry filed under: Authority, Belief, Charismatic, Christianity, Church, Culture, Faith, Family, Friendship, Holy Spirit, Jesus, Miracles, Monday meanderings, PBR, Supernatural, The Father, Thoughts, Travel.

Curses! Kingdom Summit III

2 Comments Add your own

  • 1. mcabrall  |  October 17, 2007 at 12:45 pm

    I found your site looking for an update on Lee. I’ve been a bullriding fan since the PBR began, way back in the day when Adriano Moraes hardly ever got bucked off, and rode 11 bulls at the NFR. Lee Akins was always a class act. Even at say, 20% recovery, he’s more man than most could ever hope to be. I’m certain he’ll continue to improve. Just remember Jerome Davis’ positive outlook in his situation is more inspirational than his bull riding ever was. I can’t believe these guys lay it all on the line every they get in the chute. It’s an amazing testament to the human spirit. God Bless ’em!

  • 2. Doug Wright  |  September 10, 2007 at 7:10 am

    It is so good to hear peace in your blog. (and not just because of the Husky win) It is exciting to hear of Lee Akins recovery and we appreciate the update. May God continue to bless you and Linda.

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